Introduced in this article are both global and domestic market for potassic fertilizer, and potassium sulfate in particular, as well as the importance of potassium sulfate to increasing yield and improving quality of agricultural crops. 介绍了国际和国内钾肥,尤其是硫酸钾市场的概况,以及硫酸钾对提高作物产量和品质的重要性。
In addition, potassic fertilizer could improve the quality of band-interplanted crops. K肥对带田作物品质也有改善作用。
Potassic fertilizer has produced negative effect to protein content. 钾肥对蛋白质含量的作用为负效应,其降低幅度随钾的增加而提高。
Reflections on Expansion of Potassic Fertilizer Industry in China 发展我国钾肥工业的几点思考
Go out and Build Potassic Fertilizer Production Bases in Foreign Countries 走出去,建立境外钾肥生产基地
Taking into account the strategy at various state levels, China must build potassic fertilizer resources that have the capability to strongly control, regulate and stabilize the supply system, so as to ensure the sustainable growth of agriculture in China. 从国家战略层次考虑,必须建立具有较强控制和调节能力的钾矿资源稳定供应体系,以保证我国农业可持续的发展。
In the laboratory experiment one step conversion is carried out, in which potassium chloride is treated with natural gypsum or phosphogypsum in the presence of recycled ammonia and converted into a chlorine free potassic fertilizer, potassium sulfate. 本文叙述以氨循环实现天然石膏或磷石膏与氯化钾一步转化制取无氯钾肥&硫酸钾的实验室试验。
It also puts forward some suggestions for the sustainable development of potassic fertilizer after we joined WTO. 提出了加入WTO后,我国钾肥工业可持续发展的若干建议。
The content of soil potassium in Guizhou and the application of potassic fertilizer 贵州土壤钾素状况与钾肥施用问题
The mon-factorial and interaction effects of nitrogenous, phosphatic and potassic fertilizer on the protein content were affected by other factors. 氮、磷、钾肥对大豆蛋白质含量的单因素效应、二因素互作效应受到其它因素水平的影响。
An outline is given of the present situation of expansion and existent problems of the potassic fertilizer industry in China. 概述了当前我国钾肥工业的发展现状及存在问题。
On Prospects for Development of Potassic Fertilizer Production from Potash Feldspar 论钾长石制钾肥的开发前景中华人民共和国专业标准复混肥料
The effects of nitrogenous, phosphatic and potassic fertilizer on the content of protein in soybean were discussed by this model. 依据该模型探讨氮、磷、钾肥对大豆蛋白质含量影响的规律。
Effect of Increasing Yield of Dioscorea zingiberensis by Applying Potassic Fertilizer 盾叶薯蓣施用钾肥的增产效应
The action model was established for the effects of nitrogenous, phosphatic and potassic fertilizer on the content of protein by using orthogonal regression rotating method. 采用正交回归旋转设计方法,建立了氮、磷、钾肥对大豆蛋白质含量的综合作用模型。
Production of Potassic magnesium Fertilizer by Use of Insoluble Potassic Mineral 利用不溶性钾矿生产钾镁肥
Market Analysis for Potassic Fertilizer and Potassium Sulfate 钾肥和硫酸钾市场分析
Brief Sum Up of Trial Run at Qinggang Potassic Fertilizer Plant 青岗钾肥厂试车小结
However, the reserve volume of insoluble potassium resource in our countries is very abundant and widespread. Because the high consumption of energy and poor benefits, the popularization of potassic fertilizer, which are prepared solely based on potassium ore, become very difficult. 然而我国的非水溶性钾资源储量却十分丰富而且分布广泛,以钾矿石为原料单一生产可溶性钾肥,由于能耗高、经济效益差而推广困难。
Meanwhile, in China, serious lacking of soluble potassic resource, potassic fertilizer still depends on import. 与此同时,我国由于可溶性钾资源储量严重不足致使钾肥仍依赖进口。